
Request repeat prescriptions online

Repeat Prescriptions

When you need to order your medication that is on ‘repeat’ (i.e. that you have regularly) please send in your request using the online service.

Please note that we will not accept prescriptions requests over the phone, to reduce the risk of error and subsequent harm

We will need 5 working days to process your request (we will aim to do this sooner, but may need up to 5 days), but we also ask that you don’t put your request in too early as we will not issue medication that is asked for too early unless there is a reason for this (you’re going on holiday and will run out while you’re away).

For many medications we will also need to either do a regular blood test (potentially once a year), and/or a blood pressure check – these are important checks to make sure that the medication you are taking remains safe and relevant.

Hospital Prescriptions and Private Prescriptions

If you are issued a prescription by the hospital, this must be filled at the hospital pharmacy, please do not bring it to the practice and ask the practice team to issue it instead.

It is not safe for the practice to just convert a hospital prescription to a GP prescription, there is no documentation to support the issue of the medication and you would need to reconsult with us should that be required, and if the medication is of a specialist nature it may not be prescribable by a GP. 

Prescriptions on white prescription paper can only be filled at the hospital pharmacy, they cannot be filled at a community pharmacy.

For private prescriptions, these will not be converted to NHS prescriptions.  If you have a private prescription please take this to your community pharmacy, you will need to pay for the medication that you have been privately prescribed.

On receipt of written information from your private consultation, and if the medication is supported by the NHS, then it is likely that the GP can take over prescribing responsibilities

Medicines not prescribed on the NHS

Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) does not routinely support the prescribing of medication that is available to buy from local pharmacies or supermarkets for children or adults.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  • Patients should keep a small supply of simple treatments in their own medicine cabinet so they are able to manage minor ailments at home.
  • Patients have a responsibility to look after themselves and their children where possible and manage self-limiting minor ailments with support from their local pharmacy if needed.
  • All these medicines are widely available from supermarkets and pharmacies at reasonable cost.
  • Many of these treatments are more expensive when prescribed on the NHS compared to when they are purchased in pharmacies or supermarkets.
  • The NHS belongs to everybody and the BLMK ICB must ensure that its resources are used in the best possible way for all patients.

Medication Review

To make your request, please use our SystmConnect service.

Alert: Visiting the ESC

If attending an appointment at ESC please be mindful this is a building site. Thank you.