Thank you for using the online consultation option, as this allows you to access help in a timely manner and will take less time than it would take for you to phone us.
We accept triage requests from 7am until 3:30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Triage requests are made using the “New Condition”, “Existing Condition”, or “Follow Up” option and we are committed to responding to you on the same day that you submit a request
If you make another request, for example a “Health Review”, where you are telling us about your long term condition and is essentially your annual review feedback then we will typically respond to these within a week.
Our prescription team are happy to receive your prescription requests via the “Medication request” option, and you do not need any login information to be able to send this to us.
Our patient and clinical support team also prefer to receive your Fit note requests (also known as a Med3 or sick note) through this system, as this asks all the questions that are needed for us to produce this in a timely manner for you.
Please click on ‘New request’ to start the online process.
No login details or account is needed, but you can use your login for the NHS App or SystmOnline to pre-populate some of your information if you wish to.
1. What are the opening times for the Triage team?
For triage we are open from 7am until 3:30pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) 2. Why isn’t this open until 6:30pm for Triage?
We close triage at 3:30pm in order to safely manage all requests that come in during the course of the day and respond to every one. We need a buffer of 3 hours at the end of the day to enable this to happen safely. The experience of the GP team to date has shown that this has been safe and effective
3. Can I put a prescription request in at any time?
Yes, we have set it up so that you can put in your prescription request at any time, so that you are not restricted. As the team have 5 working days to turn those requests around, we have opted to make this part of the system as open as possible.
4. How do I make a request for someone else?
You can complete a request on behalf of someone, either as their relative or friend, or healthcare professional Firstly, pick the type of request (New Condition, Follow Up, etc), then pick the nature of the problem. Once you have completed the problem page, the system then asks who you are completing the consultation for There are options at the top of the page – “Patient”, “Healthcare professional”, “Someone else”. Pick the option that applies, and then screen will change to ask for your information and the persons information that you are completing this for.
5. Can you show me how to do this?
Yes, our reception team will show you how to complete an online consultation if you would like some support. Bring along your phone or electronic device that you use, and one of our team will be able to sit with you and show you the steps. Or we have an iPad at each of our reception desks, and we can show you using that as an alternative. There is a video on this page that you can watch that walks you through how to use this system.
6. What if I haven’t got a SmartPhone or internet access?
If you can’t complete an online consultation, our reception team will do this for you. You will be asked the same questions, and the request will go through the same triage process. The same hours of access do apply for the triage process.
7. What happens if the appointment link doesn’t work or if I don’t have a SmartPhone?
Please call the practice, and the reception team will be able to see what type of link you have been sent and will be able to book an appropriate appointment.
8. If I don’t agree with the triage decision, what should I do?
The GP will need additional information from you to consider why their triage decision should be changed, please either submit another online consultation or provide additional information to the reception team who will then pass that back through the triage process.
9. Have waiting times on the phone improved now that we have to request appointments in this way?
Yes, we are on average answering at least 80% of our calls to the Appointment line in under 10 minutes. The volume of calls has reduced, but only by around 25%, which is not as much of a reduction as we were anticipating, but as more patients become familiar with using the online consultation system then there will be less need to speak to reception on the phone (and those staff can then focus on proactive work instead).
You can also view SystmConnect information in the useful video below.
Non-urgent advice: SystmConnect Introduction Video