Our Practice
Practice Information
About Us
We are also fortunate to have our own dispensaries at both our Enhanced Services Centre and Bromham sites. This allows registered patients to have their medications dispensed at either of these sites, who lives more than one mile as the crow flies from a pharmacy.
Our dispensary also offers a free delivery service twice a week for patients who find it difficult to collect their medication.TDPG is a highly regarded training site offering multi-disciplinary training, with a strongly held commitment to the development of our staff. We work closely with Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group in developing and supporting training initiatives.
With patients’ needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Accessibility Statement
This accessibility statement applies to De Parys Group Practice. This website is run by De Parys Group Practice. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to:
change colours, contrast levels and fonts
zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
listen to most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver)
We’ve also made the website text as simple as possible to understand.
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:
the text will not reflow in a single column when you change the size of the browser window
you cannot modify the line height or spacing of text
most older PDF documents are not fully accessible to screen reader software
live video streams do not have captions
some of our online forms are difficult to navigate using just a keyboard
you cannot skip to the main content when using a screen reader
there’s a limit to how far you can magnify the map on our ‘contact us’ page
Feedback and contact information
If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille:
call: 01234 351341
We’ll consider your request and get back to you in 7 days.
If you cannot view the map on our ‘contact us’ page, call or email us for directions.
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact:
call: 01234 351341
Reporting accessibility problems with this website
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact:
call: 01234 351341
Enforcement procedure
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
Contacting us by phone or visiting us in person
We provide a text relay service for people who are D/deaf, hearing impaired or have a speech impediment.
Our offices have audio induction loops, or if you contact us before your visit we can arrange a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter.
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to ‘the non-compliances and exemptions’ listed below.
Non-accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:
This site may contain older PDFs and Word documents do not meet accessibility standards – for example, they may not be structured so they’re accessible to a screen reader. This does not meet WCAG 2.1 success criterion 4.1.2
Disproportionate burden
Google Maps – There’s a limit to how far you can magnify the embedded Google Map on our ‘contact us’ page. The code for this map is supplied by Google and we are unable to make amendments to it.
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 11/12/2023.
Site compliance was checked using a combination of manual testing and third party tools, including:
WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (https://wave.webaim.org/)
WebAIM Contrast Checker (https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/)
HTML_CodeSniffer (https://squizlabs.github.io/HTML_CodeSniffer/)
Pa11y – Automated accessibility testing (https://pa11y.org/)
axe – Web Accessibility Testing (https://www.deque.com/axe/
Are you a Carer?
Bedfordshire Carers Guide
A new Bedfordshire guide for carers has been launched to mark Carers Rights Day. “Caring for Family & Friends” is packed with details of local organisations and services that can help those who care for someone who can’t manage without them because of a disability, condition or long-term illness.
Please visit www.carersinbeds.org.uk/carers-guide for more information.
Community Language Poster (PDF)
Carers in Bedfordshire Poster (PDF)
6 week programme of support information poster (PDF)
Online webinars and information sessions 2023 for carers (and the person they care for)
Blood Test Appointments
Blood tests requested by your GP are no longer taken at South Wing.
The Blood tests are taken at Gilbert Hitchcock House (North Wing Hospital), Kimbolton Road, Bedford. These are for patients over 16 years of age.
Book an appointment online (available 24/7) https://myappointments.online and choose Bedford as your location.
Book an appointment via the automated phone booking line (available 24/7) 01234 607075.
Book an appointment at Gilbert Hitchcock House reception desk – available Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00.
Book an appointment by phone and speak to a receptionists – 01234 792160 available Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00.
You MUST have a paper copy of the Blood Request form with you issued by your GP.
All Phlebotomy services are closed at the weekends and Bank Holidays
Paediatric Blood Tests
Clinics and Services
Asthma Clinic
Blood Pressure Checks
Cardiovascular Clinics
Cervical Smears
Child Health & Immunisations in conjunction with the Health Visitor
Contraceptive services including coils, implants and emergency contraception
Coronary heart disease / Hypertension
Counselling following a referral by one of our GPs
Learning Disability Annual Health Checks – for all patients with a learning disability aged 14 or over
Maternity services
NHS Health Checks
NHS Travel Vaccinations
Respiratory Clinic
Sexual Health Clinic
Smoking Cessation
Social Prescribing Service
Vaccinations and Immunisations
Ulcer management
Wound Care including dressings and removal of stitches
CQC Rating
You can find a detailed brakedown of our CQC inspection here.
Feedback and Complaints
If you have some positive feedback please do let us know so that we can share this with our team, you can do that by clicking here
If you have a complaint to make, our complaints leaflet does explain how to do this.
If you have a complaint to make, our complaints leaflet does explain how to do this, and the best way to do that is in writing or email so that you have been able to reflect on the problem that you encountered and what you would like to achieve as a result of your complaint. But if you do feel you have a complaint to make, we would like to apologise that you feel that you need to do so, as all our teams do their best to meet the needs of our patients. You can email your formal complaint to [email protected]
Friends & Family Test
You can take our Friends & Family test here.
Home Visits
If possible please try to telephone reception before 10am if you require a home visit.
A doctor or nurse may phone you back to assess the best course of action, which might include telephone advice, a review by another healthcare professional or indeed to arrange a hospital admission.
Home visits are only available for patients who are housebound because of illness or disability.
Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the surgery.
Medication Monitoring
For many medications this takes the form of an annual blood test, for some medications it may be more frequent.
For some medications this can be a urine test.
There are other tests that may also done, these are DEXA (bone) scans; Fibroscan (similar to an Ultrasound scan, but specifically of the liver); Ultrasound, CT or x-ray or eye tests.
When you are started on a new medication that will in the future require a form of monitoring, the prescriber should let you know this
But in case they haven’t you can find your medication at www.nhs.uk and read about the monitoring requirements associated with your medication
The simplest way to use nhs.uk is to click on “Medicines A to Z” option on the home page, and then locate the name of your medication
For most medications there is a “How and when to take” section, and within that area it will also discuss “Tests during treatment” so that you know what to expect
It is important that you have these tests done when we ask you to.
If you do not, then we will potentially have to stop prescribing the medication as the risk of prescribing could outweigh the impacts upon your body.
Outside NHS Remit
Not all services at the practice are available to patients under the NHS.
We accept in writing all non NHS requests such as:
– Private letter requests
– Reports – Insurance
– Private Medical Examinations for DVLA / HGV
– SAR (subject access request)
Unfortunately, we are no longer providing the below services:
We do not provide
– Certificates of fitness to work/emigrate abroad
– Firearms licence reports or certificates
– Medicals for non-registered patients
– Any forms relating to fitness for sport or high-risk activities.
– Private prescriptions for travel
– Private consultations or private home visits
– Forms or assessments under The Mental Capacity Act, i.e., Power of Attorney, Witness to Wills. (The exception will be a mental capacity assessment for the administration of covert medications)
– Private immunisation / travel clinic forms
– Housing / PIP letters/ Universal Credit: they will contact us directly for information
– GP confirming proof of address (Bank accounts/Passports)
– Letters for the Home Office
– BCG Scar Declaration
– Other miscellaneous requests: Medical secretary team will review any miscellaneous requests and respond directly to the patient accordingly.
Whilst we recognise that this may cause some inconvenience, we believe this will allow us to concentrate our limited resources on NHS work which always takes priority, therefore providing a better service to our patients overall. These Non-NHS services can be obtained elsewhere from private healthcare providers (i.e., local private hospitals) and solicitors.
There will be a charge payable for completion of accepted private work, and an invoice will be sent to you shortly after your request has been received in the Secretarial office. Payment is required before work can commence. The GP aims to complete all private work within a 28 working day timeframe from date of notification of payment. (Please note as NHS work takes priority there may at times be a longer wait). You will be contacted by the Secretarial team if it is not a service we provide. All requests must come directly from the patient in writing, via SystmConnect, email, post or handing it in via our Patient and clinical support team on front desk at any branch. Any queries, please call between 10am-2pm, Monday-Friday to speak with one of our Medical Secretaries
Patient Information Booklet
Patient Participation Group
We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.
To help us with this, we have a Patient Participation Group so that you can have your say. We would like to ask the group some questions regarding your thoughts on our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will present to you a short patient survey for discussion and your comments.
We aim to gather around as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please complete our PPG Registration Form.
Practice Boundary
You can see our practice boundary here.
Meet the team
You can meet our team here.
Ratings and Reviews
Telephone Appointments
The GP aims to call you near to the time allocated, but please allow some leeway around the appointment time.
Thank you.
Policies and Procedures
Apps Policy
Aim: To use the latest innovations in smartphone technology to help patients find and use apps to manage conditions and make better lifestyle choices in a way that is convenient for them.
The surgery is an integral part of the health care system and view the use of apps as a complimentary means of promoting patient self-help and support through digital tools. We want to encourage the patient to take an active role in managing their healthcare condition. We do not aim to use apps to replace the role of a qualified medical practitioner, nor to remove monitoring of chronic conditions from within the surgery setting. We do recognise that in the passage of time we may be able to directly use the information and data collected and stored by our patients through apps as part of their ongoing health plan.
Approved Apps
There are European regulations about medical apps and the assurance that an app meets essential criteria, we will endeavour to include only medical apps, including web apps which bear the CE mark. We will include on our website NHS Digital Apps showcased on the NHS Public Health Site as NHS approved or ‘being tested in the NHS.
The surgery (surgeries in cluster for voting purposes) will remain objective, impartial and even-handed in selection of apps listed in the app library. The surgery will make any such selection based on merit alone and will not directly benefit financially from apps for which a fee is charged. Any financial arrangement for use of apps is an agreement made between the patient and supplier and the surgery will not seek to influence any such decision for financial gain.
A medical app is one that diagnoses, supports diagnosis or clinical decisions, makes calculations to determine diagnosis or treatment, or are used for any medical purpose that are classed as ‘medical devices’. A medical app does not need to link to the patient’s records or capture the patient’s name or NHS number; if it uses patient specific information, it is a medical app and it needs a CE mark.
What is NOT a medical app?
Apps that have only administrative functions, eg to book an appointment or request a prescription. Apps that give general guidance or are not marketed as medical apps, such as generic calculators on mobile phone apps that do not provide personalised advice.
Consultation & Planning
The addition of new apps to the website will be by majority decision and will meet the criteria for medical apps as stated above. Review of website apps will take place three monthly, removal of apps will be by majority decision – except in exceptional circumstances where content, information or advice is known to be incorrect, damaging and controversial or may be used for extortion.
Reporting issues or problems with apps
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) are the body to report any known problem with apps used for medical purposes (such as calculation errors) and should be reported to MHRA online at www.mhra.gov.uk.
The surgery or the approving body is not the owner, manager or supplier of the tools/apps listed on the website. The surgery or the approving body has set standards for reviewing the tools/apps as detailed in this policy, but this does not mean that we or the approving body has itself reviewed all aspects of the tool/app, or version of the same tool/app. The named supplier listed is the entity solely responsible for the tool/app. The surgery or the approving body is not responsible or liable for any advice, or any other information, services or products that you obtain through the use of the tool/apps listed our website.
The Digital Apps on this website are intended to provide supportive relevant information only. They do not provide medical advice and is not a substitute for a medical consultation. For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way. If you have an urgent medical need you should call 111. If a life is at risk, call 999.
Policy Created: 14.11.2017
Policy Reviewed: 24/09/2019
For Review: 24.09.2022
Chasing a hospital appointment
Please note that you will need to follow this up directly with the relevant hospital department that you have been referred to.
If you are not able to get through, or are not happy with the answer that you are given, please talk to the hospital Patient Liaison Service (known as the PALS team).
For Bedford Hospital
Telephone: 01234 795814
Email: pals@[email protected]
For Addenbrookes Hospital
Telephone: 01223 216756
Email: [email protected]
Our team will support vulnerable patients to follow through with their appointments, but the majority of our patients will need to talk to their hospital team directly to find out the status of their appointment.
Clinical Policies
These have been developed to bring consistency to decision making by our clinicians.
We currently have the following policies:
– Policy for not entering into Shared Care with Private Providers
– Policy for private ADHD prescribing after 12 months stability
– Policy for private tests and medication
– Policy for dental prescribing or stopping medication
– Policy for provision of sedation for procedures or events
– Policy for medicinal cannabis or CanCard requests
– Policy for treatment following private surgery
– Policy for administering private medication
– Policy for administering NHS injections
– Policy for private fertility treatment
– Policy for private HRT prescribing after 12 months
– Policy for provision of altitude sickness and travellers diarrhoea medication
The Surgery prides itself in maintaining professional standards. For certain examinations during consultations an impartial observer (a “Chaperone”) may be requested by the clinician or patient.
This impartial observer will be a suitable qualified trained professional, who is familiar with the procedure and be available to reassure and raise any concerns on your behalf. If a chaperone is unavailable at the time of your consultation then your examination may be re-scheduled for another time.
You are free to decline any examination or chose an alternative examiner or chaperone. You may also request a chaperone for any examination or consultation if one is not offered to you. The GP may not undertake an examination if a chaperone is declined.
The role of a Chaperone:
Maintains professional boundaries during intimate examinations.
Acknowledges a patient’s vulnerability.
Provides emotional comfort and reassurance.
Assists in the examination.
The practice complies with the Data Protection Act. All information about patients is confidential: from the most sensitive diagnosis, to the fact of having visited the surgery or being registered at the Practice. All patients can expect that their personal information will not be disclosed without their permission except in the most exceptional of circumstances, when somebody is at grave risk of serious harm.
All members of the primary health care team (from reception to doctors) in the course of their duties will have access to your medical records. They all adhere to the highest standards of maintaining confidentiality.
As our reception area is a little public, if you wish to discuss something of a confidential nature please mention it to one of the receptionists who will make arrangements for you to have the necessary privacy.
Under 16s
The duty of confidentiality owed to a person under 16 is as great as the duty owed to any other person. Young people aged under 16 years can choose to see health professionals, without informing their parents or carers. If a GP considers that the young person is competent to make decisions about their health, then the GP can give advice, prescribe and treat the young person without seeking further consent.
However, in terms of good practice, health professionals will encourage young people to discuss issues with a parent or carer. As with older people, sometimes the law requires us to report information to appropriate authorities in order to protect young people or members of the public.
Useful Websites
Confidentiality NHS Code of Practice
Disability Access Policy
If you have any special needs please let our staff know so that we can help and ensure you get the same support in the future.
Wheelchair access
Where possible, a wheelchair will be made available for patient’s use, at their own risk, should you require one whilst visiting our premises.
Loop System
We have a loop induction system at the reception desk to assist the hearing impaired. For more information on the loop hearing system visit Hearing Link website.
The Deaf Health Charity – SignHealth
Royal Association for Deaf People
National Deaf Children’s Society
Blind/Partially Sighted
If you or family members are blind or partially sighted we can give you a CD or large print of our practice leaflet upon request. Please ask Reception for further information.
For more advice and support for blind people please access the following websites:
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RIND)
Guide Dogs
Guide dogs are welcome at the surgery but we ask that you be aware of other patients and staff who may have an allergy or fear of dogs.
Further Information:
Other Disability Websites
Disabled People, your Rights, Benefits, Carers and the Equality Act
Equality and Diversity Policy
It is NHS policy to treat all patients and employees fairly and equally regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age or disability.
Equality is based on the legal obligation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation. Equality protects people from being discriminated against on the grounds of group membership i.e. sex, race disability, sexual orientation, belief, or age.
Diversity implies a wide range of conditions and characteristics. Diversity encompasses visible and non-visible individual differences. It can be seen in the makeup of patients and the workforce in terms of gender, ethnic minorities, disabled people, trans identity etc.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act creates a right of access to recorded information.
The Act covers any recorded organisational information such as reports, policies or strategies, that is held by a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and by UK-wide public authorities based in Scotland, however it does not cover personal information such as patient records which are covered by the Data Protection Act.
Public authorities include government departments, local authorities, the NHS, state schools and police forces.
The Act is enforced by the Information Commissioner who regulates both the Freedom of Information Act and the Data Protection Act.
Who can request information?
Under the Act, any individual, anywhere in the world, is able to make a request to a practice for information. An applicant is entitled to be informed in writing, by the practice, whether the practice holds information of the description specified in the request and if that is the case, have the information communicated to him. An individual can request information, regardless of whether he/she is the subject of the information or affected by its use.
How should requests be made?
Requests must:
be made in writing (this can be electronically e.g. email/fax)
state the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence
describe the information requested.
What cannot be requested?
Personal data about staff and patients covered under Data Protection Act. For more information see these websites:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policies
GP Earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GP’s working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GP’s working in The De Parys Group in the last financial year was £88,584 before Tax and National Insurance. This is for 3 full time GP’s, 14.25 part time GP’s and 0.5 locum GP’s, who worked in the practice for more than six months.
Infection Control Statement
Bromham Surgery
Church Lane Surgery
Enhanced Services Centre
– The De Parys Group aims to keep all our surgeries clean, tidy, and environmentally safe for all our patients and our staff.
Clinical staff are trained to follow the De Parys Group Infection Control Policy which ensures the delivery of safe care, and equipment used is also safe.
– Training is updated on an annual basis using Bluestream Academy.
– Nonclinical staff are trained in Infection Control, and this training is refreshed on an annual basis using Bluestream Academy.
– The De Parys Group expects staff to maintain the highest standards.
– Staff are encouraged to report any incidents that are an infection control risk or cleaning issue.
– Staff are aware of the reporting process for each of the surgery sites.
– The Enhanced Services Centre site has cleaning staff in situ during operational hours.
– Annual Infection Control audits are carried out to ensure that the internal infection control processes are succeeding.
– The audits for 2025/26 are due early June 2025.
– Internal audit processes are in place to ensure the premises of the 3 surgery sites are maintained to a high standard.
– Internal audit processes are in place to ensure that equipment across the 3 surgery sites is maintained to a high standard.
– All reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove all infection risk.
– Washable and disposable materials for couch rolls, modesty curtains, floor coverings (for example) are used.
– Items cleaned or changed regularly to minimise risks of infection.
– Alcohol Hand Rub Gel is available in all clinical rooms and throughout the communal areas on the surgery sites.
– Risk Assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established – ie Legionella, staff immunisations, encouraging staff to have vaccinations as recommended (ie Flu/Covid19 etc).
– Policies and Procedures are reviewed on a regular basis and adhere to national guidance. These are available to all staff and amended as appropriate when guidance/legislation changes.
– Any infection transmission incidents and any actions taken will be reported in accordance with the De Parys Group Significant Events procedure.
– Patients can report any concerns about cleanliness or infection control to a member of Reception staff in the first instance.
Interpreter Services
Seeking Advice from NHS 111 – British Sign Language
Using your computer and webcam, or the InterpreterNow app on your smartphone or tablet, you can make a video call to a BSL interpreter. Please visit the InterpreterNow website for further information.
The interpreter telephones an NHS 111 adviser and relays your conversation with them. The NHS 111 adviser will ask you questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best.
If NHS 111 advisers think you need an ambulance they will immediately arrange one for you.
This service is available every day.
Translation and BSL for Consultations With Your Doctor or Nurse
The practice is able to make arrangements for an interpreter to join your GP consultation over the telephone, please advise reception when booking your appointment if an interpreter is required so that arrangements can be made.
If you require a sign-language interpreter this can be arranged in person provided sufficient notice has been given.
Named GP
We have allocated a Named Accountable GP for all of our registered patients. If you do not know who your named GP is, please ask a member of our reception team. Unfortunately, we are unable to notify patients in writing of any change of GP due to the costs involved.
National Data Opt-Out Programme
NHS Digital is developing a new system to support the national data opt-out which will give patients more control over how confidential patient information is used. The system will offer patients and the public the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether they wish their confidential patient information to be used just for their individual care and treatment or also used for research and planning purposes.
Patients and the public who decide they do not want their confidential patient information used for planning and research purposes will be able to set their national data opt-out choice online.
Your health records contain a type of data called confidential patient information. This data can be used to help with research and planning. You can choose to stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning. You can also make a choice for someone else like your children under the age of 13. NHS Digital will never sell your data. There are strict rules about how NHS can use your data. It’s only shared securely and safely. Shared data helps the NHS. It has been used to find the first treatment for coronavirus and for vaccine research.
If you’re happy with your confidential patient information being used for research and planning you do not need to do anything.
Any choice you make will not impact your individual care. Please click on the link to find out more and opt out if you wish to do so.
For further opt-out information, please visit the NHS Digital site:
And if you would like to opt-out, you can follow the process using the link below;
Our practice policy on this subject is available to review below:
Local Data Opt-Out Program
If you wish to register a local data opt out with your GP practice before data sharing starts with NHS Digital, this should be done by downloading the Type 1 Opt Out form and retuning it to your GP practice. If you have previously registered a Type 1 Opt-out and you would like to withdraw this, you can also use the form to do this.
Statement of Intent
NHS Digital is developing a new system to support the national data opt-out which will give patients more control over how confidential patient information is used. The system will offer patients and the public the opportunity to make an informed choice about whether they wish their confidential patient information to be used just for their individual care and treatment or also used for research and planning purposes.
Patients and the public who decide they do not want their confidential patient information used for planning and research purposes will be able to set their national data opt-out choice online.
Your health records contain a type of data called confidential patient information. This data can be used to help with research and planning. You can choose to stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning. You can also make a choice for someone else like your children under the age of 13. NHS Digital will never sell your data. There are strict rules about how NHS can use your data. It’s only shared securely and safely. Shared data helps the NHS. It has been used to find the first treatment for coronavirus and for vaccine research.
If you’re happy with your confidential patient information being used for research and planning you do not need to do anything.
Any choice you make will not impact your individual care. Please click on the link to find out more and opt out if you wish to do so.
For further opt-out information, please visit the NHS Digital site:
And if you would like to opt-out, you can follow the process using the link below;
Our practice policy on this subject is available to review below:
Local Data Opt-Out Program
If you wish to register a local data opt out with your GP practice before data sharing starts with NHS Digital, this should be done by downloading the Type 1 Opt Out form and retuning it to your GP practice. If you have previously registered a Type 1 Opt-out and you would like to withdraw this, you can also use the form to do this.
Summary Care Records
Your Summary Care Record contains important information about any medicines you are taking, any allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines that you have previously experienced.
Allowing authorised healthcare staff to have access to this information will improve decision making by doctors and other healthcare professionals and has prevented mistakes being made when patients are being cared for in an emergency or when their GP practice is closed. Your Summary Care Record also includes your name, address, date of birth and your unique NHS Number to help identify you correctly.
Healthcare staff will have access to this information, so that they can provide safer care, whenever or wherever you need it, anywhere in England.
Who can see my Summary Care Record?
Healthcare staff who have access to your Summary Care Record:
need to be directly involved in caring for you
need to have an NHS Smartcard with a chip and passcode
will only see the information they need to do their job and
will have their details recorded every time they look at your record
Healthcare staff will ask for your permission every time they need to look at your Summary Care Record. If they cannot ask you (for example if you are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate), healthcare staff may look at your record without asking you, because they consider that this is in your best interest.
If they have to do this, this decision will be recorded and checked to ensure that the access was appropriate.
What are my choices?
You can choose to have a Summary Care Record or you can choose to opt out.
If you choose to have a Summary Care Record and are registered with a GP practice, you do not need to do anything as a Summary Care Record is created for you.
If you choose to opt out of having a Summary Care Record and do not want a SCR, you need to let your GP practice know by filling in and returning an opt-out form. Opt-out forms can be downloaded from the website or from your GP practice.
If you are unsure if you have already opted out, you should talk to the staff at your GP practice. You can change your mind at any time by simply informing your GP practice and either filling in an opt-out form or asking your GP practice to create a Summary Care Record for you.
Children and the Summary Care Record
If you are the parent or guardian of a child under 16, you should make this information available to them and support the child to come to a decision as to whether to have a Summary Care Record or not.
If you believe that your child should opt-out of having a Summary Care Record, we strongly recommend that you discuss this with your child’s GP. This will allow your child’s GP to highlight the consequences of opting-out, prior to you finalising your decision.
Where can I get more information?
For more information about Summary Care Records you can
talk to the staff at your GP practice
phone the Health and Social Care Information Centre on 0300 303 5678
Summary of Call Recording Policy
This summary outlines the practice’s call recording process that is in operation. The purpose of call recording is to provide a record of incoming and outgoing calls, which can:
– Protect the interests of both parties
– Help improve practice performance and service delivery in the interests of providing best care
– Protect Practice team from nuisance or abusive calls
– Establish facts relating to incoming/outgoing calls made (e.g. concerns, complaints and medico-legal claims)
– Contract compliance as part of Contemporaneous Record Keeping part of Records Management Policy and Access to Health Records
The aim of this policy is to ensure that the telephone call recording is operated in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations 2018. This will involve the recording of telephone conversations, which are subject to the Telecommunications Act 1984.
For call recording, the following GDPR conditions are met:
Article 6, e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;”
Article 9, (h) processing is necessary for the purposes of preventive or occupational medicine, for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems
The Practice will make every reasonable effort to advise Patients that their call will be recorded and for what purpose the recording may be used.
Where a patient requests a copy of a recording then this is authorised under the general provisional of data subject access requests part of the GDPR.
Any requests for copies of telephone conversations made as Subject Access Requests must be notified in writing to the Practice.
Playback, Monitoring and Storage of Recorded Calls
Monitoring of the call recordings will be undertaken by a Manager.
Any playback of recordings will take place in a private setting and where applicable, individuals should be given the opportunity to listen to the relevant recordings to receive feedback and developmental support.
All recordings and call recording equipment will be stored securely on site at the practice and access to these will be controlled and managed by the Operations Manager.
Recordings will be accessed by logging into a password protected computer system.
Call recordings will be retained by the practice for 28 days.
The Data Protection Act allows patients access to information that is held about them. This includes recorded telephone calls.
Requests for copies of telephone conversations can be made under the Data Protection Act as a “Subject Access Request”.
After assessing whether the information can be released, the requestor can be invited to the practice premises to hear the recording. A data subjects have the right to the erasure of personal data concerning them. ‘The right to be forgotten’ does not override legal and compliance obligations.
If there is a request from an external body relating to the detection or prevention of a crime (e.g. police), then requests for information should be directed to the Operations Manager.
Under GDPR, organisations are prohibited from recording the personal conversations of staff, even with consent, and therefore need to ensure that while business calls are recorded, personal calls always remain private.
Your Rights and Responsibilities
We are committed to giving you the best possible service. This will be achieved by working together. Help us to help you. You have a right to, and the practice will try to ensure that:
You will be treated with courtesy and respect
You will be treated as a partner in the care and attention that you receive
All aspects of your visit will be dealt with in privacy and confidence
You will be seen by a doctor of your choice subject to availability
In an emergency, out of normal opening hours, if you telephone the practice you will be given the number to receive assistance, which will require no more than one further call
You can bring someone with you, however you may be asked to be seen on your own during the consultation
Repeat prescriptions will normally be available for collection within two working days of your request
Information about our services on offer will be made available to you by way of posters, notice boards and newsletters
You have the right to see your medical records or have a copy subject to certain laws. If you wish to obtain a copy through a Subject Access Request, please contact our medical secretaries’ team who will supply you with an application form and details of ID required. Alternatively sign up to online services by visiting any of our reception desks. Certain types of ID will be required.
If you require an interpreter, you must advise reception when you book your appointment of your requirements. Interpreters can usually be arranged for non-emergency appointments.
Patient’s Responsibilities
With these rights come responsibilities and for patients we would respectfully request that you:
Treat practice staff and doctors with the same consideration and courtesy that you would like yourself. Remember that they are trying to help you
Please ensure that you order your repeat medication in plenty of time allowing 3 working days
Please ensure that you have a basic first aid kit at home and initiate minor illness and self-care for you and your family
Please attend any specialist appointments that have been arranged for you or cancel them if your condition has resolved or you no longer wish to attend
Please follow up any test or investigations done for you with the person who has requested the investigation
Attend appointments on time and check in with Reception, or if available please use the check in screen.
Patients who are late for their appointment may not be seen.
If you are unable to make your appointment or no longer need it, please give the practice adequate notice that you wish to cancel. Appointments are heavily in demand and missed appointments waste time and delay more urgent patients receiving the treatment they need
An appointment is for one person only. Where another family member needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made
Patients should make every effort to present at the surgery to ensure the best use of nursing and medical time. Home visits should be medically justifiable and not requested for social convenience
Please inform us when you move home, change your name or telephone number, so that we can keep our records correct and up to date
Read the practice leaflets and other information that we give you. They are there to help you use our services. If you do not understand their content please tell us
Let us have your views. Your ideas and suggestions whether complimentary or critical are important in helping us to provide a first class, safe, friendly service in pleasant surroundings.
NHS Constitution
The NHS Constitution establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. For more information see these websites:
Violence/Zero Tolerance Policy
The practice fully supports the NHS Zero Tolerance Policy. The aim of this policy is to tackle the increasing problem of violence against staff working in the NHS and ensures that doctors and their staff have a right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused.
We understand that ill patients do not always act in a reasonable manner and will take this into consideration when trying to deal with a misunderstanding or complaint. We ask you to treat your doctors and their staff courteously and act reasonably.
All incidents will be followed up and you will be sent a formal warning after the first incident or removed from the practice list after a second incident if your behaviour has been unreasonable.
However, aggressive behaviour, be it violent or verbal/abusive, will not be tolerated and may result in you being removed from the Practice list and, in extreme cases, the Police will be contacted if an incident is taking place and the patient is posing a threat to staff or other patients, in which case this would result in immediate removal from the practice list.
Removal from the Practice List
A good patient-doctor relationship, based on mutual respect and trust, is the cornerstone of good patient care. The removal of patients from our list is an exceptional and rare event and is a last resort in an impaired patient-practice relationship. When trust has irretrievably broken down, it is in the patient’s interest, just as much as that of The Surgery, that they should find a new practice. An exception to this is on immediate removal on the grounds of violence e.g. when the Police are involved.
Removing other members of the household
In rare cases, however, because of the possible need to visit patients at home it may be necessary to terminate responsibility for other members of the family or the entire household. The prospect of visiting patients where a relative who is no longer a patient of the practice by virtue of their unacceptable behaviour resides, or being regularly confronted by the removed patient, may make it too difficult for the practice to continue to look after the whole family. This is particularly likely where the patient has been removed because of violence or threatening behaviour and keeping the other family members could put doctors or their staff at risk.
The above policy also applies to patients and visitors to the practice as well as staff.
Video Consultations and Photographs
Your privacy, dignity and confidentiality are very important to us, and we would like all patients to be aware of our policies for video consultation and photographs. This is a summary:PhotographsIf we invite you to send us a photo to aid diagnosis, we will normally ask you to use a specialist app called AccuRx. We will send you a text message, which you can reply to, and attach your photo.You have the right to decline the invitation to send a photo.If the affected area is an intimate part of your body, please DO NOT send photos. If necessary the clinician will invite you to attend the surgery for examination instead.We cannot be responsible for photos which we do not receive; however once we have received them we will safeguard them in the same way as your clinical record.Be aware that photos will remain on your device (smartphone/camera) unless you delete themIf you do send us photos please ensure they are of good enough quality to see the problem you are consulting about. Generally this means you need good light and focus.Photographs will be stored on your electronic medical record, unless you ask us not to (in which case we will delete them)If the patient is a child or young person, they should be asked for permission to take and send a photograph. No intimate areas please.Video ConsultationsVideo consultations are a useful alternative to a face to face consultation. If you are invited to a video consultation the clinician will have better information than through a phone call alone.You will be asked to consent to the video consultation. You have the right to decline. This may not be best for you, for example, if you have hearing impairment, or do not have the necessary equipment (eg a smartphone). In which case the clinician will decide whether a telephone consultation is adequate, or whether you need to be seen face to face.We do not record the video, however we will make notes in your clinical record in the same way as we would for a face to face or telephone consultation.If you would like to see the full policies, please contact the practice.